AMA Innovation Award for magnetic field quantum sensor for industrial use
May 8, 2023
Berlin, May 9, 2023 - The AMA Association for Sensor and Measurement (AMA) awarded the winning team from Quantum Technologies GmbH with the AMA Innovation Prize at the SMSI 2023 - Sensor and Measurement Science International Conference in Nuremberg on May 8. The all-optical quantum magnetometer impressed the jury members from research and industry across the board with its innovative solution approach and high market relevance. The development team consisting of Robert Staacke, Lutz Langguth, Romy Müller and Dominik Rajsp from Quantum Technologies GmbH in Leipzig, Germany, received the prize money of 10,000 euros and a special 'Young Company' award.
The QT-RH105 from Quantum Technologies is a fiber-coupled magnetic field sensor that measures magnetic field strength with purely optical precision. This quantum sensor exploits the magnetic field dependence of the spin states of nitrogen defect sites, called NV centers, in diamond and their fluorescence. The sensor head is no thicker than a human hair, chemically inert, non-magnetic, non-conducting and thus galvanically isolated. Compared to conventional semiconductor sensors, this opens up completely new areas of application in magnetic field sensor technology. The development was funded by the BMBF project FKZ:13N15491. (Brochure p. 8)
"We congratulate the development team of Quantum Technologies and are pleased that once again a young company receives both the AMA Innovation Award and a special prize. The measurement method is designed in such a way that the sensor does not require the use of microwaves. Its extreme detection sensitivity and wide detection range make it suitable for a wide range of applications. We can look forward to the further development of this young company, as well as other 2nd generation quantum sensors," said Professor Andreas Schütze, of Saarland University and AMA jury chairman, explaining this year's decision.
Brochure with all 2023 submissions
All accepted submissions will be published with a brief description of the innovation in the brochure 'AMA Innovation Award 2023 - the applicants', which can be downloaded online free of charge.
Applications for the Innovation Award 2024
Application forms for the AMA Innovation Award 2024 will be available from the end of October 2023. Individuals or development teams from companies and institutes can apply. For more information:
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AMA Association for Sensors and Measurement (AMA) – linking innovators – is the network of the key industry for technical innovations. With its 450 members from industry and science it is the primary contact for sensor and measuring technology. With its detailed industry directory, it provides a comprehensive overview of the products and services. The AMA cultivates an innovation dialog with all participants of the innovation process at the leading trade fair SENSOR+TEST, at community stands of leading international fairs, and at the SMSI 2023 science conference.
Pascale Taube
Press & Public Affairs Director
AMA Verband für Sensorik und Messtechnik e.V.
(AMA Association for Sensors and Measurement)
Sophie-Charlotten-Str. 15 / 14059 Berlin / Germany
Tel. +49 30 22190362-20 / Fax +49 30 22190362-40 /

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- Press Release Innovation Award 2023 (920 KB | doc)
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