ASAP Group at SENSOR+TEST 2023: Focus on integrated e-mobility testing services
The ASAP Group’s trade fair stand will focus on the wide-ranging services offered by the ASAP testing and trialling centres. With over 70 test benches spread across 8,000 square metres, the accredited ASAP testing labs at its Ingolstadt, Wolfsburg and Sachsenheim locations offer testing services with an outstanding level of integration. The corporate group’s trade fair appearance will focus on testing in relation to e-mobility, as ASAP’s attention is focused on future-oriented technologies. ASAP is constantly upgrading its development expertise and capacities in the field of e-mobility, including continuous investment in its test-ing centres. In addition to providing extensive information, ASAP will also showcase a control and automa-tion rack developed and manufactured in-house by ASAP’s test systems specialists. Together with the corporate group’s specialists in test systems, the ASAP testing and trialling centres offer comprehensive, turnkey solutions according to specific customer requirements. ASAP offers a complete package, from designing and fabricating customised test systems to performing all steps in the component testing process, including producing a test report.
Integrated services at the ASAP testing and trialling centres
The ASAP testing and trialling centres in Ingolstadt, Sachsenheim and Wolfsburg hold certification of compliance with DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 from the German national accreditation body (DAkkS). Not only are they equipped with the necessary testing equipment, they also cover all process steps in component testing. ASAP offers comprehensive, turnkey testing solutions in accordance with all established automotive and industry standards. Its services are focused on trials and testing of components and systems in the vehicle environment. ASAP specialists construct a customised test environment, provide suitable measurement technology and oversee the coordination and planning of the entire automotive testing process. They also evaluate the measurement data and produce customer-specific test reports. And, by offering integrated consultancy, project management and process management services from our Consulting & Service segment, ASAP guarantees that each step in the process flows seamlessly to the next. The result: Fully customised trials and testing services.
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