
Assemblies - Ready-to-use products from the experts


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Ready-to-use products from the experts

Assemblies offer solutions for complex and individual tasks in our customers´ applications. We develop the necessary processes in cooperation with our customers.
At STÜKEN, manufacturing possibilities for assemblies include laser and resistance welding, component assembly, overmolding, functional tests, individual packaging in trays, and if required, 100% inspection.

Key advantages for our customers
More than 90 years of experience: We will find the ideal solution for your individual requirements.
Reliable precision: Our components and assemblies are of the highest quality and reliability.
Joint development: In close cooperation with you, we develop ready-to-install solutions for your production.
Overview of all processes: Together, we increase the efficiency and profitability of your process/product development and production with a multitude of possibilities and solutions from a single source.

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Alte Todenmanner Str. 42

31737 Rinteln


+49 5751 702-0

+49 5751 702-188

Halle 1 Stand 1-235

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