
SIEVEI 4.0 | Secure and Intelligent Electronic Systems for Trustworthy Electronic Products in Industry 4.0


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High-performance microelectronics in combination with sensor technology and embedded software collects and processes process data in industrial plants. The goal is to comprehensively digitize production processes and operations. Now, the latest electronics technologies together with artificial intelligence (AI) methods are to become usable for industrial applications. The project SiEvEI 4.0 creates this bridge from classic sensor technology to AI-based, safety-relevant and trustworthy electronic systems.

The project is funded by the BMBF's Microelectronics for Industry 4.0 (ElektroniK I4.0) program. The funding objective is research into electronic components and systems for the realization of intelligent, flexible and networked production (Industry 4.0). The project volume amounts to a good five million euros, of which over three million will be funded.

Franz-Mayer-Str. 1

93053 Regensburg


+49 941 630916-0

+49 941 630916-10

Halle 1 Stand 1-324

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