
PMDA Precision Barometer


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The PMDA is a measuring system for recording, displaying, monitoring and evaluating the barometric ambient pressure in facility areas. This includes, for example, clean rooms or positive/negative pressure chambers. Continuous monitoring helps to ensure product quality, to document in accordance with standards and to store goods/materials correctly.

The system is available in different versions. The pressure sensor reading is shown on a display and converted in parallel into an analogue voltage signal of 0 to 10 V and is available for further evaluation. Optionally, the measured value is ASCII coded and continuously transmitted via an RS232/USB data interface.

The measuring system is prepared for the installation of a precision pressure transducer type FP5000 or also PARO-6000-16B (not included in delivery). If the measuring system and the precision pressure transducer are ordered at the same time, the sensor is installed in the housing at the time of the sensor is installed in the housing.

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