
DAkkS Certificates- Increased demand for calibration services according to the latest global standard DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018


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DAkkS Certificates- Increased demand for calibration services according to the latest global standard DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018

The accreditation of conformity assessment bodies (laboratories, inspection and certification bodies) is the legal mandate of the German Accreditation Body (DAkkS).

In the accreditation process, professional competence is assessed, confirmed and monitored in accordance with strict guidelines.

To ensure that proof of competence conducts surveillances at fixed intervals.

The DAkkS accreditation certifies that the accredited bodies fulfil their tasks competently, according to valid requirements.

The surveillance assessment /audit resulted from the necessity to convert to the new international standard within the framework of regular surveillance.

The new version of the globally applicable new standard for the laboratory sector was drawn up by the competent committee for conformity assessment (CASCO) at the international standardisation body ISO.

The DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 sets out the general requirements with respect to the competence of testing and calibration laboratories. It also forms the basis for accreditation in this area.

Compliance with the new standard makes it possible to determine laboratory results in a technically competent manner and ensure their international acceptance.

The result of the successful audit was the confirmation of the existing DAkkS accreditation and the competence as DAkkS-accredited testing laboratory in an annex to the accreditation certificate D-K-19573-01-00 according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 for :

Mechanical measurands - Acceleration

Acoustic measured variables

Microtech Gefell GmbH calibrates the physical parameters sound pressure and acceleration in its own laboratory and issues either DAkkS- or factory certificates (optional).

The measuring standards for sound pressure and reference microphones are traceable to PTB standards / Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt.

The measuring standards for acceleration and reference acceleration sensors are traceable to DKD standards (Deutscher Kalibrierdienst).

- Extensive measures for testing and the maintenance of the sensors
- Update the customer's calibration documentation
- On-site service on request

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