
Gas sensors Modular design


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MULTIGASANALYSIS For this task, Wi.Tec offers a modular system that can be used to solve many different measurement tasks. Thus, even complex gas analyses can be realized from batch size 1.
In industrial gas analysis, very different measuring methods are used in order to be able to optimally solve the respective measuring task. Especially in the case of complex gas mixtures, multi-gas sensor technology is usually required to reliably and accurately detect the respective gas component.
Wi.Tec-Sensorik GmbH has developed a modular system for this purpose, with which new measurement tasks can be solved quickly and reliably. The different customer requirements can thus be optimally implemented, so that in the end a tailor-made product is available. In order to achieve this goal, different physical measuring methods are used and combined with each other. The required technologies have been developed in-house until they are ready for series production and are now available for a wide range of challenges.

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