Mobile Calibration system for accelerometers and microphoners
The calibration system 9000+ enables the automated calibration of accelerometers and microphones under optimal conditions in the laboratory or, if necessary, directly at the sensor's place of use in the field. The system is based on the proven portable vibration calibrators models 9110D and 9210D from PCB Piezotronics as well as the microphone comparison calibrator model 9917C from the same company.
The system essentially consists of the measurement and control software, a measurement data acquisition system and one of the aforementioned portable calibration systems. All parameters for calibration, such as frequency and amplitude, are conveniently preset via the software's graphical user interface. At each calibration point, the measured values of the test item are compared with the reference sensor of the calibrator and the determined deviations are logged and stored.
After completion of the calibration process, a calibration certificate is generated on request. The calibration values are listed in a table and visualized in a frequency response curve or linearity curve. The calibration of the accelerometers and microphones is traceable to ISO 16063.
The complete system - software, data acquisition and calibrator - is completely set up and delivered with a calibration according to ISO 17025. Existing PCB® calibrators can be upgraded to a 9000+ system.
• Top features
• Portable calibration system
• Sensor supply
• System calibrated according to ISO 17025
• Data archiving
• Traceable to ISO 16063
Further information: