
MEMS DC accelerometers with low noise level and high resolution


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With the 3711F, 3713F and 3741F series, PCB Piezotronics complements its range of acceleration sensors that measure statically up to 0 Hz. They are used in structural monitoring and vibration testing, as well as for driving behaviour measurements in automotive development. The series cover measurement ranges from ±2 g to ±200 g and are characterised by low spectral noise and high resolution. This is achieved by the use of gas-damped silicon MEMS elements, which have a high overload protection. The sensors of the 3713F series measure in three orthogonal axes, the other models have only one measuring axis.
Thanks to the hermetically sealed housings, use under harsh environmental conditions is possible. The internal voltage regulator allows the supply in the range 6 - 30 VDC and thus the supply from the vehicle's electrical system. In addition to the version with plug, the version with integrated, fixed cable is also available.
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