
Super low-cost capacitive MEMS acceleration sensors with internal amplification from the specialists


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The DB series is the perfect sensor for all static and quasi-static measurement applications (vehicle dynamics, comfort, slow movements, etc.). The sensors are characterized by a compact, yet resilient design and very good non-linearity.

After the astounding success of the low-priced and robust acceleration sensors of the DA series, disynet GmbH has developed the DB series as an improved successor. These sensors now have an internal amplifier and supply voltage regulation, so that a sensor excitation of unregulated 4.5 - 12.5 VDC is now possible. They are available in measuring ranges from ±2 g to ±40 g.

The DB series accelerometers bridge the gap between cheap MEMS transducers and more expensive sensors with special damping and filters. These capacitive accelerometers are integrated in a high-quality, robust, anodised aluminium housing. The small dimensions allow them to be used even in difficult-to-access installation locations.
The sensors are suitable for both static (0 Hz) and dynamic applications. Single, bi- and triaxial versions are available. The sensors could be supplied on request with a "flip-flop" test protocol (values at 1, 0g and -1g). However, additional customer-specific calibration by a certified test laboratory in Germany is also possible.

Despite the high-quality design, the sensors are very inexpensive and can usually be delivered from stock at short notice!

Breyeller Str. 2 a

41379 Brüggen


+49 2157 8799-0

+49 2157 8799-22

Halle 1 Stand 1-200

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