
MS 5849 – Chlorine-resistant gel-protected absolute pressure sensor for 30 and 7 bar now also available for 2 bar


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The MS5849 is a digital OEM sensor that achieves high media resistance through protective gel variants and can also be used as a biocompatible measuring element in medical devices. The absolute pressure is measured here with a high 24-bit resolution and output via the I²C or SPI interface.

The reflow-capable sensors are designed for the pressure ranges of 0.2 – 2 bar, 0.2 – 7 bar and 0.3 – 30 bar and are media-protected as standard with a chlorine-resistant gel coating. In addition to the pressure, they measure the temperature between -40 and +110 °C.

The MS5849 pressure transducers consist of a piezoresistive pressure measuring cell and an amplifier A/D interface IC, which are built on a ceramic substrate (3.3 x 3.3 x 2.7 mm³). A grounded metal ring protects the electronic components and makes O-ring assembly easier.
The sensor from TE Connectivity converts the measured pressure and temperature-dependent signal from the measuring cell into a 24-bit data word. In addition, 7 individual coefficients are stored in the module, which allow highly precise software correction for pressure and temperature measurement by an external microprocessor. The oversampling rate and thus the speed and power requirement can also be set here.
Due to its small size, the sensor is ideal for use in sports equipment, such as diving computers, but in its biocompatible gel version it can also find its place just as well in medical devices.

As a distributor for sensor technology, AMSYS is one of the specialists in pressure measurement technology on the German-speaking market for TE Connectivity sensors.

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